How to Keep Your Fitness in Check at the Office

Six simple steps to keep in shape and avoid bad habits at work.


1. Sit right, abs tight

By keeping your back straight, your feet flat on the ground and your chin off your chest, you can optimise your breathing and strengthen your stomach muscles. This can also prevent back ache and loss of energy!

2. Elbows off the table!

By keeping your elbows off your desk, you can support your back with your stomach, strengthening your muscles and improve your posture. Why not challenge a work colleague with a forfeit (like making the next tea round) and see who can keep their elbows down for the longest?

3. Send your prints further away

When printing work, send them to a printer on another floor or further away. This will encourage you to get on your feet and move, circulating blood and taking the strain of the computer screen off your eyes.

4. Skip the elevator

Take the stairs!

5. Power walk and talk

Pace the office when making phone calls. You’ll speak more powerfully and burn a few calories in the meantime!

6. Fuel your body & mind

If you know your day is going to be less active physically, then take note of what you fuel your body and mind with. Being less active means less calories are being used. Equally, if you are to have a mentally tasking day, then consider good sources of low GI foods such as nuts to nibble on and berries to keep the mind sharp. A steady flow of good nutrition throughout your day will have you working more efficiently.