York Resistance Bands

£10.00 (Reduced)

Resistance Bands These bands offer a range of customizable resistance levels ideal for athletes of any experience level. As a lightweight, versatile tool, resistance bands can be used anywhere and stored easily, making them an incredible fitness asset.

Band thickness 4.5 mm Band length 208 cm 100% natural latex Its heavy-duty construction is designed for exceptional durability and resilience, providing maximum tension for your toughest workouts.

Variants available: 
 5 - 15 kg, Orange, 13 mm width
 10 - 20 kg, Blue, 19 mm width
 15 - 25 kg, Yellow, 22 mm width
 17.5 - 35 kg, Purple, 29 mm width
 20 - 40 kg, Green, 32 mm width
 25 - 50 kg, Red, 45 mm width
 30 - 65 kg, Lt Green, 64 mm width
 35 - 75 kg, Grey, 83 mm width

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