Swing Your Way to a Full Body Workout
Kettlebells are one of the most effective pieces of equipment available. They’re perfect for use at home and they offer a full-body workout. There are lots of different moves that you can do with a Kettlebell and because you’re not performing the moves in a static position, you’ll be getting a cardio and strength...
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Advanced Training Advice
Pushing even harder This stage of your training is where it starts to get serious. You'll need to understand your body, what it can do and what it can’t (which is the bit to work on).Here we'll be discussing different training methods such as Pyramid Training, Super Sets, Drop Sets, Push-Pull Supersets, Partial Reps...
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Build Muscle
This is what every guy wants to achieve and most women want to avoid, for both its very difficult and will take time. The Body With men having a higher level of testosterone than women it makes it easier for them to “bulk up” than a female. The oestrogen hormone in women stops/hinders...
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Recommendations for Health and Performance in Sport and Life
Tim Exeter - Ex-rugby player and sport-specific fitness coach Get the basics in place whatever your age! If you want to experience a healthier life with more enjoyable sports participation, improved sports performance and reduce the risk of injury.By the basics I mean in the following areas - Movement We were designed to move,...
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Exercises to Tone Up
Firm up your bum, legs, arms and tummy with this circuit that you can do at home. Just grab a couple vinyl dumbbells or hand weights.Make sure to fully warm up before the circuit and cool down with some stretches once you have completed it.Take 30 seconds rest between each exercise and try and...
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Fat Loss - You Cant Out Train a Bad Diet
Achieving optimal fat loss relies heavily on a combination of appropriate, maintainable nutrition and effective training protocols. It is true that you cannot out train a bad diet, so if fat loss is your goal then first considerations should focus on what you are eating. Achieving optimal fat loss relies heavily on a combination...
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Beginners Training Advice
Beginners Properly performed strength training can provide positive functional benefits and improvement in overall health and well-being. This includes increased bone, muscle, tendon and ligament strength, joint function, reduced potential for injury, increased bone density, a temporary increase in metabolism, improved cardiac function and elevated HDL (good) cholesterol. Strength training mainly uses the technique...
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A Brief History of Weightlifting & Strength Training
by Harvey Newton, May 15, 2011 Weightlifting has been a part of the Modern Olympic Games since the Games’ reintroduction in 1896. The early days reflected a number of different one- and two-arm lifts involved in the competition, but from 1928 on the Games settled into what became known as the “Olympic” lifts, the...
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